[ 烟台市 ] 欧华庄园
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Kass valley Cabernet Franc


参考价 :  运费:¥20.00元

  • 年份 : 2002
  • 等级 : 
  • 产地 : 智利-中央山谷
  • 净含量 : 750 ml
  • 类型 : 红葡萄酒
  • 酒精度 : 12.5 度
  • 含糖量 : 干型
  • 瓶塞 : 合成
  • 酒庄 : 欧华庄园
  • 葡萄品种 : Cabernet Franc品丽珠
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Kass valley (chile)
    1854年,伊苏.卡萨——因铜矿业发财的大亨,在迈波河谷(Maipo Valley也有译“米埔谷”)修建密密麻麻的灌溉工程,建造了第一个商业性的葡萄园——卡萨谷庄园,开始营葡萄酒王国的伟大征程。
    伊苏.卡萨是精明的生意人,也是卓越的葡萄酒爱好者。他以独到的眼光选择Maipo Valley创建葡萄酒庄,并非没有根据。Maipo Valley距智利首都圣地亚哥(Santiago)仅四十公里,是一个横向的山谷,从安第斯山向下直达太平洋,东部的海拔为1000米,西部为500米,天然的坡度使不同的区域种植不同的品种。这里是温和的地中海气候,夏天和秋天干燥,收获季节没有下雨的风险,在葡萄的生长期日夜温差达20度,是理想的葡萄种植地。有人说,“Maipo Valley于智利,相当梅多克高地之于波尔多。”这是人们对Maipo Valley最好的赞誉。
    在伊苏.卡萨来Maipo Valley之前,这里是一个“蛮荒之地”。河谷里是石灰地,当地居民都认为这是贫瘠之地,无法种植谷物。伊苏.卡萨却如获至宝,或许是血液中流淌的移民开拓精神,又或许是在法国受到的葡萄酒文化熏陶,总之,伊苏.卡萨为智利发现了一个前所未有的“葡萄酒宝地”。他至始至终坚信:只有最好的土壤才能酿造最好的酒。





About Ohua
           Ohua Fazenda wine brewing Co. Ltd.is a joint venture established by Ohua Liquid
Company and Spain H.C.B. corporation in1997, which is a specialized wine brewing company that combines grape-cultivation, brewage,and bottling. The corporation locates in theWolong Foreign-Invested Development Zone, the south and the bottom of the moutain of Yantai, which is the famous “International Wine City”,.It covers an area of 40 acres, the fixed asset is worth more than 160 millon yuan, and there are two senior brewage engineers.
   Ohua Fazenda wine brewing Co. Ltd is powerful and with advanced equipment, and apply ourselves to the first brand among the internal wine bottling. At present, we have the vineyard that cultivated on international standard for 5400 acres, which covers an area of almost 1700 acres.To assure the production of fine wine and excellent wine,we have imported a variety of advantage equipments, including two sets of full automatic bottling production line, one is from KRONES Company of Germany ,which reaches 4000 bottles of bottling per hour and the other is from FIMER Company of Italy ,which reaches 8000 bottles of bottling per hour; the storage capacity ofstainless steel has been more than 10 thousands tons, American white oak barrels 1600, the imported Italy 60000大卡scraped-board instant freezer, kieselguhr filter,and sheet paperboard filter. The company products all kinds of high-quality raisin wine by strictly adopt the international industrial standard , the annual productive capacity is more than 50,000 tons. Besides, here is a team of experienced technicians, which has special responsibility for the R&D, endeavoring in the R&D of dry red wine and dry white wine,to meet the market needs of numerous consumers.
       In recent years,the company has quicken the pace to attain international standards. At the present time, we have established a cooperative relationship with ten wine brands among more than five famous wine brewing countries,like France, Austrilia,Spain, Chile, and German, and we have been the imported bottling maker of more than 10 famous wine brands, as The Medoc River Valley, Mondeke, Aiblleon Vineyard, and Gaussnar Vineyard of France; Bullock vineyard of Austrilia; Stourier Vineyard andPrinator Vineyard of Spain;: Kass valley, Avillar Vineyard of Chile; Reinnadberg of German. We also accept the sales service ofmedium and high-grade brand wine. At the same time,the company takie the international market as orientation, improve the innovative capability of our enterprise constantly, cultivate point of economic growth, so that Ouhua Fazenda can keep steady development trend, and be the leader of Chinese wine industry, striving to become the famous enterprise among international wine industry.



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