国际交流(International communication)

主题 : 255   帖子 : 683   版主 : erica211,pkmmagic

How to arrange transportation of red wine to China

vx13650202892    发表于 : 2021-03-29 10:17    只看楼主 楼主
0 5700
Transit import from Hong Kong That's the best way to import an individual.
Let the shipper deliver the goods to Hong Kong Huawei warehouse. Generally, large goods are shipped by international sea and air, and small goods are delivered by international express. In this section, customers can also entrust Huawei to operate on our behalf. We have entered into strategic partnership with major airlines and aviation agents in the world, and have our own preferential accounts for the four major international express delivery companies to issue and pick up goods by ourselves. Provide cost-effective transportation and customs clearance services for customers with different needs worldwide according to your goods name and weight.
Welcome to inquire: 13650202892. You can use WeChat or phone number.
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