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Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Riserva Fonte De' Gigli



参考价 : 

  • 年份 : 2007
  • 等级 : DOCG
  • 产地 : 意大利-托斯卡纳
  • 净含量 : 750 ml
  • 类型 : 红葡萄酒
  • 酒精度 : 13.5 度
  • 含糖量 : 干型
  • 瓶塞 : 原木
  • 酒庄 : 嘉塔维奇酒庄 Gattavecchi
  • 葡萄品种 : Sangiovese 桑娇维塞
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产地:蒙塔普奇诺 葡萄品种:100%桑娇维赛 土壤:由粘土和细沙组成的上新世时期海洋沉淀物 葡萄树年龄:20-25年 每公顷生产量:6吨 级别:DOCG 酒精度:13. 5% 微气候: 全年适中的温度给这里的微气候创造了有利的条件,另外蒙帕赛诺(Montepulciano)丘西(Chiusi)和特拉西梅洛(Trasimeno)附近的湖泊以及阿米阿达山脉都给当地的气候带来了积极的影响。 酿造工艺: 葡萄经过精选细致的去梗压榨后, 在温度不超过28摄氏度的情况下进行缓慢的发酵16-18天左右。在这期间,每天都会进行多次的搅拌,从而不会让发酵过程松弛下来。葡萄里面的果酸会在72月份自然的完成发酵过程。接着会在斯洛文尼亚中型橡木桶内陈酿30个月,然后在小型法国橡木桶内再次陈酿6个月后装瓶。 感官特性: 酒体颜色呈深石榴红色,非常强烈的香味,有辛辣的味道,在口感上偏干性,温和且丰富。能够非常完美的搭配红肉,烧烤,和口味稍重的奶酪。开瓶后在瓶内需两小时醒酒时间后方可饮用。 PRODUCTION AREA: Montepu/ciano: Argiano and Ascianello. GRAPE VAR/ETIES: Sangiovese (Prugno/o) 100% SOIL: Mixtures of clayand fine sand with Marine Pliocene sediment. VINE TRAINING: Guyot and straight-line spurred tying (Cordone Speronato) - 4,400 vinestocks per hectare, Average age of vines: 20 - 25 years. PRODUCTION PER HECTARE: 6 tons, MICROCLIMATE: Moderate temperatures throughout the year create favourable microclimatic conditions. In addition, the proximity of Lakes Montepu/ciano, Chiusi and Trasimeno, and Mount Amiata, has a positive effect on the local climate. VINIFICATION AND REFINING: After careful stalk removal and pressing, the grapes undergo a slow maceration that lasts 16 - 18 days at a controlled temperature that doesn'texceed 28℃. During this stage, pump-overs are carried out several times a day diminishing as fermentation winds down. Malolactic fermentation occurs naturally during the month of December, The wine is aged for 30 months in medium-sized Slavonian oak casks, and small Fren ch oak barrels. This is followed by a six-month period of refinement in the bottle. ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTER/ST/CS: The colour is deep garnet. The bouquet is intense, penetrating and spicy, while on the palate it is dry warm, and rich with developed flavours. A perfect accompaniment for red meats, game and well-seasoned cheeses. Best opened at least two hours before serving or decanted, Serving Temperature: 18 - 20℃
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