店铺总数 : 2170 / 商品总数 : 85477


所在地 : 广东广州市

H.Upmann Regalias 乌普曼王室特权 25支礼盒装


  • 运费 :  平邮:24.0元 快递:24.0元
  • 编号 : 105835
  • 剩余时间 : 11天11时35分
  • 所在地 : 广东广州市


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H.Upmann Regalias 乌普曼王室特权 25支礼盒装
 Founded in 1844, Cuba, the UPPMAN CIGAR was the top popular brand at the time, and is known to have won seven gold medals between 1885 and 1893. The success of the UPPMAN franchise, which spans perfectly from mechanical cigars to artisanal ones, has been legendary.


                     The UPPMAN is a medium size cigar, with a 42 mm ring with a good grip and a medium, light taste. The brand was dominated by mechanical cigars until 1960, when it was converted to purely manual cigars in 2002, among the many Cuban brands it is not outstanding, but the taste is very attractive.


Royal privilege of Uppman. Upmann Regalias length: 129mm ring diameter: 42 type: handmade specifications: small crown origin: Cuban packaging: 25 gift boxes features: this is the Uppman family relatively low-profile product. In fact, this is a small affordable crown. What's more, it has a surprisingly complex and rare herbaceous flavor. It has attracted a large number of knowledgeable eggplant customers, as a daily diet.

英文名称:H.Upmann Regalias
长   度:129mm
环   径:42
类   型:手工制作
规   格:小皇冠
产   地:古巴
包   装:25支礼盒装
特   点:这是乌普曼家族中知名度相对较低的一款产品。其实这是一款经济实惠的小皇冠。更重要的是它有令人惊讶的复杂和少见的草本的味道。它吸引了众多懂行的茄客,把它作为日常的口粮。

 UPPMAN is a unique cigar, with its distinctive bean and orange peel flavors. Has a large number of loyal eggplant powder, very popular in the country, the taste is not only suitable for senior eggplant customer, but also suitable for new eggplant customer, and the market price is particularly affordable, has a very high cost-effective. According to the market survey, there are some differences in the selling price of this cigar among provinces and cities


               UPPMAN licensed cigar packaging refined, mainly light yellow, milk white as a supplement, then with gorgeous color brand LOGO design, overall collocation coordination and beautiful. The eggplant is a small Gaurang type, small size, moderate ring diameter, strong control. The palate opens with soft beans, cedar wood, elegant Orange Peel, a hint of cocoa, a few flavors played particularly well, a hint of almonds, and a mellow bean flavor, mellowed into a better texture. The amount of smoke is average, the gradation of ash is excellent, and overall it is a delicious cigar worth smoking.                                   乌普曼特许雪茄包装精制,以浅黄色为主,奶白色为辅,再配以色采绚丽的品牌LOGO图案,整体搭配协调而美观。茄体属于小高朗拿品型,尺寸短小,环径适中,驾驭性很强。口感以柔和的豆味开场,配以雪松木香味,优雅的桔皮味,淡淡的可可香味,几种口味发挥得特别好,略显的杏仁味,配以醇香的豆味,醇化后口感会更好。烟量一般,烟灰层次感极好,总的来说是款值得品吸的美味雪茄。




开始时间 : 2024年11月26日 8:05 发票 : 
结束时间 : 2024年12月24日 8:05 保修 : 
付款方式 : 
1款到发货 - 转账汇款,有风险,不建议使用。
店铺名称 :  cigarwhisky137
所在地址 :  广东广州市
认证情况 :  个人认证
掌柜昵称 :  cigarwhisky
掌柜帐号 :  gzwine
总浏览数 :  2095855
信用指数 :  15信誉积分:15
商品数量 :  175
创店时间 :  2007/12/20
注册时间 :  2006/01/18
上册登录 :  2023/09/29
电子邮件 :  jmclub@126.com
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