- Ch Majureau Sercillan
- 批发价 : 面议
浏览量: 3158次
发布日期 : 2012-10-29
所在地 : 广东广州市
经营模式 : 贸易型,服务型
成立时间 : 2010-06-02
Owner : Mr Vironneau
Family property of 12 hectares of vines located in SALIGNAC at 32 km north of Bordeaux, in the Blaye region. The soil is sandy-clayey. The vineyard is composed of 60% Melot,25% Cabernet Sauvignon,15% Cabernet Franc.
The harvest is machine made. The winemaking is traditional
Our tasting (08 October) : Nice ruby colour. Very rich and complex nose with appealing notes of black cherry and spices. This is a serious wine, well made, with nice tannins.
The 2009vintage : Winter was very dry, April and May quite fresh whereas June was exceptionally hot and dry. This gave a homogeneous blooming. July and August were exceptionally warm (no so much as in 2003) dry, quite windy. Early September, a 5 days rainy period was very helpful to complete the maturation. 2 days of strong wind dried out the berries. Then 2 weeks of fresh mornings and sunny afternoons finished the maturation. Thanks to this great weather conditions, harvest started late, second half of September. 2009 is a big vintage in Bordeaux.
- 产品类型 : 红葡萄酒
- 产品产地 : 法国波 尔 多
- 产品年份 : 2009
- 产品等级 : 庄园级AOC
- 酒庄 : 玛吉斯庄园
- 含糖量 : 干型
- 净含量 : 750 ml
- 酒精度 : 14.5度
- 瓶塞类型 : 原木
- 葡萄品种 :